Whitetrash’s Top 5 – Week 7 BOZO

AYOOO week 7 installment is here and this week we have someone you should all know, the member Bozo. I gotta say I really enjoyed this one, as you said bozo it’s not your every day items but it’s still super cool and I’m stoked you contributed to this. Get involved guys and check out this weeks top 5 and leave some love !!

MEMBER – BOZO – TOP 5 http://www.skateboard-city.com/messageboard/member.php?u=66063

1. My current griptape job

I’ve just used my Facebook/Tumblr/Instagram in the past to write down my random thoughts/phrases, and I decided to do it on my board.

2. This hat.

I got this from a friend out of the blue one day. I don’t smoke, but that’s not why I love it. It just looks like something you’d find at Goodwill, nowhere else. I can’t picture anyone buying this anywhere else.

3. My box of stuff

I purposely obscured some of the contents, because some of it is personal, but this is a collection of photos, zines, letters, notes, stickers, and other odds and ends.

4. Bee syrup shirt

I remember finding this picture somewhere online (the bee syrup drawing) and thinking how bad I wanted one. Although I don’t remember when I first saw the photo, I do remember looking up this guy and finding out he made shirts of his art.


5. Skateboarding.

A board has brought me so many places, and opened my eyes to experiences and situations I wouldn’t have seen otherwise. I purposely chose some slightly stranger stuff for my top 5, but this one is completely serious.

Thanks WhiteTrash for running this, and thanks for reading this guys
