Where’s The Fun?

Where’s The Fun?

Why do I skate? A question that seems to have no simple answer for this generation of skateboarders.

Within the past couple of years, the fun in skateboarding is vaguely seen anywhere you look. Whether it be in a Youtube montage, a professional skate video, a movie, or those dumb MTV shows.

Nowadays it seems people just demand more and more tricks from pros, or themselves. Sure it’s always cool to see progression, and see what can be physically done on a skateboard. Everyone knows it feels good to learn a new trick, and become an overall better skater. What’s your reasoning behind it all though? Money? Respect? Sponsorship? Bragging rights?

If it’s anything but fun then you might as well put your board away in the closet never to let it see light of day again. If you’re not having fun doing something, then why do it? It seems stupid to spend hours on something that you’re not enjoying. Who would do that? I know I wouldn’t.

Ever since I picked up my first skateboard on Christmas morning in 2002, all I could think of it was it represented. Fun. In a literal sense, of course I saw a piece of wood with wheels attached to it, but that’s not all. I saw hours and hours of fun that can come from it. I never saw it becoming a way to make money, something to show off, or anything else. Now here 8 years later, I still see it as nothing but loads of fun.

With the rising popularity skateboarding has received these past few years, it’s become more corrupt than ever. Tv reality shows, tons of money prize contests, movies giving off the completely wrong perception of what skateboarding is really about, and don’t get me started on The Berrics…

All these may be giving to the industry, and helping grow the skateboard culture, but it’s not what skateboarding was based on. Back in the 60’s, and 70’s when the Z Boys were shredding, no one in their wildest imagination would have thought there was going to be reality tv shows about melodramatic skaters. What is this, who can be the biggest drama queen? Come on. Sooo lame!!

As for personal experience, and just observation, I’m ashamed to say the people around here seem to be losing their perspective on why they started skateboarding in the first place. Whether it’s on Facebook, or at the skatepark, all I can hear is “I need to land this, it’ll be sick!”, or “I’m going to land this, try this, then definitely go for this all before the day’s over”. Does anyone think that’s what they did when they first started? Didn’t think so…

The kid pictured above is someone I unfortunately know. Ever since I first met him, I couldn’t begin to describe how blinded he is by what skateboarding is really about. There’s been a handful of times where he talks about when the next contest is going to happen, and how he’s going to strategize, etc. Like really?

Sure it feels awesome to win a contest, but just from hearing him, it seems that’s all he cares about. I’ve never had fun skating with him. He never just relaxes and enjoys what he’s doing. He takes it all so seriously. The saddest thing about him though is I don’t even think he realizes why he started skateboarding. He’s gotten so full of himself that he just skates for the trophies. It’s almost as if he uses his skateboard as a tool to earn respect from others. Except no one is going to like being around someone who only cares about winning. I know I wouldn’t…

With all this said and done, I just want to remind those who may be questioning why they skate that it’s for fun. It always was. It always will be. For me, you could take away all the skate multi media, and I would still love it just as much as I do now. All I know that is if I ever for some God forsaken reason have a kid, and they happen to love skateboarding, that they don’t lose the true meaning of skateboarding and become one of these kids…