January 2010 MOTM: AMP

January 2010 MOTM: AMP!

So give us some basic information about your life…
Like name(if you want), age, and where do you live?

Well my name is Alex Pearson, I’m 16 years of age, and I reside in Beavercreek, Ohio.

How do you feel being this month’s Member of the Month?

Lets just say it was the LAST thing I expected to see when I got on SBC today. Real hyped. Much love to whoever wanted me to be this months.

Sexy pic

How do you think others see you on SB-C?

Who knows. I guess some might think I’m funny sometimes. Haha. I really just try to be as helpful as I can be without being a dick to people. Also iIm pretty sure people like the footage I post. More to come soon when my ankle’s healed.

How did you first come across SB-C, and how did you come up with your username?

I came across SBC when I was in 6th grade. Soooo that’s…2006. I found out about the site when I googled “How to tre flip”. I’m guessing that’s how a lot of people found out about it too. My username? Well all it is is my initials. AMP. Pretty tight… not really…

Tre 6

Who are some of your favorite users on this site and why?

Of course I gotta go with pain and king. Those two are just too funny when they post. Then there’s my homie Korn Cakes. Started talking to him last year about nothing but Pokemon, now we’re real tight. Hahaha. Probobly unexpected, but TMK is one of my favorites forsure. I just love how blunt and straightforward that guy is. I’ve never talked to him, but he runs that footage forum like no other. Plus the arguments he gets into are always so funny to read because he just pisses off so many people. Haha. Also Snake 😉

If you could pick one member on this site to actually meet, who would it be?

Definitly KC or BFL. KC because I know him and he knows me, and we could have so much fun chillin’ and doing absolutely nothing. Hahaha. BFL just because I feel like it would be such a fun session. He just seems so goofy and funny.

What makes you keep coming back to this site? What makes it so appealing?

Honestly I have no idea. It’s just become a habit to get on SBC right when I open up my browser. I guess if I think about it, it’s definitly the community. It just feels so relaxed that sometimes I forget that it’s even a skateboarding website. I get a few laughes out of here every now and then, so that’s always a plus. It’s also a big help to hear about all the industry news. Like who’s on what company, or when the new Vans are comin out. I love that kinda stuff.

What were some of your most memorable moments on this site?

Definitly when the Pokemon thread was booming. I’m such a nerd it’s ridiculous. I haven’t been able to stay away that stupid game since I was five. Another cool one was when I posted my first piece of footage, and I got around 50 props for it. It just made me feel so good about myself. I used to be really subconcious about my skating for some reason. Then I read the “dude your style is sooo good” kinda comments, and I got reaaaal hyped on that.

What are your favorite types of foods?

Hmm. Anything that has fruit in it. I haven’t had a fruit yet that I don’t like. Especially a fruit salad?! Hellllllyeahhhhh.

What are your favorite movies and/or tv shows?

I really don’t watch TV except whatever’s on Comedy Central. So pretty much anything that can make me laugh. As for movies, I really like Sci-Fi, Comedy and Action type movies. Star Wars is favorite forsure. Avatar was pretty tight too. But I really don’t watch much TV or movies unless it’s a skate video. The one I’ve really been feelin’ is Gang of Fourstar and the Slave video. So good.

What kind of music are you into?

Oh all kinds man. Somedays I’ll be listening to nonstop rap, and then others will be some kind of metal. Actually right now I’m listening to some remix of Tik Tok. Hahaha

What I skate in

Describe how your social life is doing right now?

My social life has always been fine. Go to school, come home, then go straight to skating. I never really hang out with people unless it’s at school or I’m skating with ’em. I like it better that way. I get to skate a lot more if I don’t have a girlfriend or somethin’ like that, so I just tend to not date anyone.

If you could rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 in skateboarding, skillwise, what would you be?

Dude, that question is so hard. Umm, I guess if pro is 10 then I’ll say I’m around a 5ish. I’ll stick to letting other people decide that for me.

What do you think your biggest achievement is in skateboarding?

Well, I know my biggest achievement for myself will be when my video part drops at the end of the summer. Get hyped 😉 For right now I’d say when I tre flipped the 7 at the plaza with a board completely in half. Such a good day. I actually think I posted the footage on here somewhere.

What things interest you other than skateboarding?

The only thing besides skating, is girls and video games. I’m starting to play less and less of video games now. Which I feel is a good thing. I still play MW2 like no other, but I’m not rackin up 10 or so hours a night like I used to.

Without skateboarding what do you think you’d be doing now?

I really have no idea. It’s probobly since I started skating at such a young age, and I wasn’t doing anything else. But I’m sure I would’ve ended up either playing some kind of sport, or actually caring about my social life and dating some chick. Maybe both, who knows.

Throughout any point of time, which person in history do you admire most? Or which person do you simply look up to?

Besides my parents and grandparents, I’ve never really looked up to anyone. I guess I just never thought about it. Whatever.

What lessons has skateboarding taught you?

It’s definitly taught me to not give a fuck. It works in skating, why not real life? Also persistence. I feel like it helps me get a lot more things done if I work at them for awhile. Sometimes you have those tricks that take foreverrr to land. Same thing in life…but not a trick. haha

Do you have any suggestions for the staff of SB-C?

I really haven’t noticed anything wrong with the staff. We have great mods/admins that do what they’re supposed to do. Of course some people really disagree with the bans, but their is always a good reason.

Ollie gap

Could you give some advice to new skaters out there?

The main thing is to just never give up. All it takes is time. You might not even notice yourself improving, but you are everytime you go to the park or skate your garage or whatever. Even if you find yourself getting pissed, just say somethin like “I am not giving up until I land it!” You’ll find yourself learning a lot of new stuff and you won’t be mad because you landed it. Also stop feeling like you have to go skate to learn new stuff. No. It’s all about fun. If you go out and have a good time with the homies, and just skate, you’ll gradually notice yourself getting better. When it comes down to it, it’s all about what you love to do, and if that’s skateboarding then go out and have a great time!